4 Strategies to Help You Improve eCommerce Customer Experience

4 Strategies to Help You Improve eCommerce Customer Experience

In the modern world, running an eCommerce store gives you more chances of succeeding than owning a regular brick-and-mortar store. However, since eCommerce is as popular as it is when you have an online store, you need to find a way to distinguish yourself from the competition.

And there is nothing today’s consumers love more than a good customer experience. Great customer experience has many benefits, it helps you get return customers and improve your sales.

If you’re looking for the best strategies that will help you improve that customer experience, you’ve come to the right place.

Personalize the experience

Back in the day, companies didn’t care about who they were selling to, but times have changed. Nowadays, modern customers want to work with companies who are willing to cater the experience to them personally.

There are a couple of ways you can create a personalized experience:

  • Get to know your customers and create personas so you can better segment your audience and create a different personalized experience for everyone.
  • Create localized and targeted content that will appear to customers from certain countries, districts, or towns.
  • Suggest recommended and complementary products that are related to their browsing or purchasing history.
  • Adjust navigation for repeat website visitors based on their past activities on your website or offer recommended searches.

Have a great customer service team

4 Strategies to Help You Improve eCommerce Customer Experience

When thinking about customer experience, your first thought needs to be the main way customers get in touch with your business. And that is through your customer service team.

Your customer service team is responsible for talking to customers, helping them make their purchasing decisions, answering their questions, and solving any problems they might have. All of this has a big influence on the overall customer experience.

Good customer experience management requires you to look at all points CX, but make sure not to miss this one, as it’s the beginning and end stage for most of your customers’ journeys. If your customer service team flourishes, so will your business.

And while you should focus on only hiring the best people for each role, this is especially important for customer service representatives. The people you hire need to be kind, patient, knowledgeable about your products and company, and always be on the same page.

Allow your customers to find their own answers

After you’ve made sure your customer service team is up to your standards, you need to think about the different ways your customers get their information. Even though this team is of great importance, not every customer will want to contact them. Some of them will want to find their own answers.

This is why more and more businesses are including a self-service portal on their website, or even creating a standalone website. This portal is typically filled with instructions, manuals, FAQs, and troubleshooting scenarios, depending on what the particular business does and sells.

This support portal will be a win-win scenario because it will allow your more independent customers to find the information they need and it will take the pressure off your support team.

But don’t stop with the self-service portal. Another very important feature that could help your CX is a chatbot. This is a very popular feature because it allows customers to get answers to simple questions immediately without the help of an agent or having to look for the answers themselves.

Additionally, a chatbot does more than just improve CX. In fact, 55% of companies that implemented chatbots claim to generate more high-quality leads. 

Listen to the feedback

4 Strategies to Help You Improve eCommerce Customer Experience

When it comes to improving customer experience, there are a lot of things you can do. However, a mistake a lot of customers make is relying on guesswork and doing things they think their customers want to see. But instead of simply guessing and wondering, why don’t you ask?

This is where customer feedback comes in. Even though 46% of customers rarely or never complain about a bad experience, the other 44% do and it’s in your best interest if they complained to you. This is because the alternative would be complaining to their friends, family, or even online.

Feedback is very valuable and can come from multiple sources. Some forms of feedback include online reviews, social media messages and comments, ratings, and customer service.

Take any and all feedback that your customers have, regardless if they gave it to you directly or you found it online. Use this information to improve your CX and give your customers exactly what they want.

Final thoughts

Surviving in today’s eCommerce landscape can be hard, even if you have a great product, you won’t be able to go far if your customers aren’t happy with their experience.

More and more businesses are focusing on CX and that’s not a coincidence. It boosts revenue, encourages repeat purchases, and helps you grow more than almost any marketing strategy. So give these strategies a try and you will be amazed by the results.

By Iftalia

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