CBD Cat Treats Help Manage Allergies in Your PetPortrait close-up on blurred background with leaf cannabis. Scottish fold cat sniffs green leaf of marijuana in hands

CBD treats are the best way to help manage allergies in your pet. CBD is a natural compound extracted from the cannabis plant.

It has many benefits for both humans and animals. One of these benefits is that it can help reduce inflammation and allergic reactions.

If your cat suffers from allergies, you may want to consider giving them CBD cat treats. CBD can help keep the inflammation in your cat’s eyes and nose under control. It can help reduce the symptoms of allergies, such as excessive scratching, sneezing, and watery eyes.

Before administering this compound to your cat, here’s everything you need to understand.

What Causes Allergies in Cats?

Several different things can cause allergies in cats. These include the following.


Some cats are allergic to the food they eat. If this is your cat’s case, you may be able to improve their allergies by feeding them a different type of food.

Just be careful because if you suddenly change your pet’s diet, it may harm their stomach and intestinal health.

Dust Mites

Felines can also be allergic to dust mites. These tiny creatures can be found in abundance in carpets, furniture, and bedding.

They can cause several respiratory problems in cats, including asthma and bronchitis.


Many cats are allergic to pollen. It is prevalent during the springtime when the air is full of this allergen. Pollen can cause some problems for cats, including sneezing, watery eyes, and itchy skin.

One or more of these allergens can cause your cat to sneeze, scratch excessively, and have red, swollen eyes. These symptoms can be treated with CBD treats.

What Do CBD Treats Do?

CBD cat treats are made from the cannabis plant. This compound comes from one of three different parts of this plant known as hemp. It can be used to treat various symptoms, including allergies in pets.

CBD helps reduce inflammation and allergic reactions by interacting with your pet’s endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for regulating many different functions in your pet’s body, including their immune system. When introduced inside the body, CBD oil helps calm and balance it. It can help reduce inflammation and the symptoms of allergies.

Is There Any Research on the Subject?

According to a recent report, the CBD pet care market will reach $125 million by 2022.

Research has been conducted on the side effects of CBD when treating allergies in pets. One study showed that CBD could help improve symptoms associated with food allergies. It also works for skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, better known as animal allergies. It is because it reduces the inflammatory response and helps reduce the itching and scratching that is common with this condition.

Another study showed that CBD could help reduce the number of seizures in animals who suffer from epilepsy. It is because it helps stabilize the brain’s electrical activity. It also helps reduce the number of spasms and convulsions that occur with this condition.

How to Administer CBD Treats to Your Cat?

If you want to give your feline friend CBD treats, you must make sure they are adequately dosed.

First of all, never administer this compound to your pet without the supervision and approval of a veterinarian. CBD can mix up with other medications and supplements your pet is taking. It may also cause adverse effects such as sedation or nausea if not administered correctly.

When it comes to the proper dosage, you must start with a small amount and gradually increase it over time. You should aim to give your cat between 1 and 5 mg of CBD per day. It will also depend on your pet’s weight, age, and size.

To administer the CBD, you can either mix it in with their food or give it to them in the form of a treat. If you mix it with their food, make sure that it is a food they like and is easy to digest.

If your cat doesn’t like taking treats, you can also purchase CBD oil or tinctures and administer it to them that way. You must be careful not to get it in the eyes. 

By Iftalia

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