Revolutionized Construction

The technological advances that have improved the construction industry are nothing short of mind-blowing. This industry has grown in leaps and bounds in the last ten to fifteen years, and it will continue to impress and inspire others to follow suit.

There are several factors to acknowledge for this growth spurt but perhaps none more vital than technology-driven innovations. Below are five impressively innovative things that have revolutionized the construction industry:

  • Smart Vests

Smart vests are not the only smart wearables used in the construction industry. There are also helmets, and safety boots as well – just to name a few. It’s just that smart vests are by far the most impressive of the available wearable tech.

These vests track your employees on-site and report back on productivity and safety. They use sensors to measure body temperature and heart rates and then transmit that data to an app that can be monitored.

  • Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is used in the construction industry to track the real-time activities of workers and machinery on site. It alerts site management teams of predicted safety issues, building errors, and problems with productivity.

AI tools can help to prevent cost overruns and enable smarter construction. The potential uses of machine learning are impressively vast – from the mundane and ordinary to the most complex and advanced applications.

  • Dynamic Software

Construction software programs are created to enhance projects and assist planning and coordination. These multi-integrational programs lessen costly delays and provide the perfect platform for communication between various teams.

They also assist and enable accurate contract management in construction, which can help to speed projects up and have them completed quicker.

  • Modular Construction

A modular building is a prefabricated building that includes multiple sections of repeated modules. Modularity involves constructing several modules of the project off-site.

Installation of the modular project is completed on-site once all the components and sections get delivered. Modular buildings are cheaper and easier to construct than traditional buildings, and they are also an innovative cost alternative.

  • Green Technology

Green construction promotes the efficiency of buildings. That means those buildings are cleverly designed to be water and energy efficient and contribute to as few waste sites as possible.

The way a building is designed will impact the environment for its entire life – and sometimes even beyond that. 

Green buildings have a much lower impact on people’s health, as well as the environment around them. These buildings are always constructed, maintained, and operated with the environment in mind.

To be effective – green buildings need to be more than just constructed out of sustainable materials, they need to be equally as sustainable.

To End

The construction industry is a massive one – with a staggering value of well over 1 trillion U.S. dollars by the end of 2020. The global construction market is well over 9.5 trillion, and it is set to grow to 10.5 by 2023.

Implement the above innovative ideas in your construction business today to stay ahead of the pack.

By Iftalia

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